• ‘Meraki’ name expresses the emphatic aspirations of our company to achieve excellence in service delivery; to offer a model workplace where things are done from heart, where diversity is embraced and respect is a culture.
  • Meraki meaning underpins our business philosophy and shines through our services. We love our company, our values and always endeavour to go extra mile to deliver what we promise.
  • Our three core values ‘Integrity, Passion & Innovation’ root out of the essence of Meraki meaning which serve as guiding principles to consistently deliver exceptional value for our partners.
  • We aim to be a responsible business that implements eco-friendly practices and contributes to the societies where we operate under our CSR plans. 

Mohammad Ali
Managing Director

M Ali leads the overall direction of Meraki Group. Our ambition is to drive a high-performance culture, putting innovation at the heart of Meraki, remaining true to our values and our purpose; that is, to deliver excellence and grow along our partners.